Velvet Bethany

Where to Find Us

Stay in the Loop

Artist Bio

Velvet Bethany is a rock and roll band with punk etiquette from Buffalo, NY and they write some pretty ferocious hooks. They’ve been cranking out DIY records for a few years, and they’ve just released three new singles this spring to be released on upcoming album Abuse Paradigm: Throw Your Stone, Strawberry Moon, and Death Cocoon. Covering a range of aesthetic ground and recalling moments of nostalgia from kids who grew up in the 90s, a genre bending band, the goal is to have you singing along with a riff or a lyric stuck in your head by the end of a song. Velvet Bethany just released a brand new video. Check out She's So Mean here:

Artists’ Cassettes

#0000 - 1532 Bee Good

Song: “Crack Me Open”

Digital Cassettes 1035 497
Average Rating 4 / 5

#0000 - 0707 Oil Paints

Song: “Abuse Paradigm”

Digital Cassettes 340 367
Average Rating 4 / 5

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Little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more patience, yeah