poor sport

Where to Find Us

Stay in the Loop

Artist Bio

poor sport is a collective of band dad’s intent on making you feel something.  They are former members of the west-coast Canadian punk band No Liars and write songs filled with passion and intensity.  With roots in post-hardcore and emo bands of the past they bring together these sounds in a  modern way that speak to the tumultuous moment we find ourself in.  They use songwriting to explore the dark parts of the human experience and aim to make music that provides catharsis and acceptance of those difficult emotions.  Don’t let those feelings get you down though, the music is loud, upbeat, and in your face and will leave you wanting to sing along and expel some of those demons you’ve been holding on to.

Artists’ Cassettes

#0000 - 2213 Indecision

Song: “Tearing at the Seams”

Digital Cassettes 2000 213
Average Rating 4 / 5

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Little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more patience, yeah