The Interrogation

Where to Find Us

Stay in the Loop

Artist Bio

There’s a funny thing that happens at summertime in the Pacific Northwest: if you aren’t out enjoying every single sunny day, you’re met with powerful feelings of guilt. Shame. A deep and permeating FOMO for every lonely minute spent indoors. Vancouver BC’s music scene is a tough one for any band to navigate, but The Interrogation’s Thom Turner is taking it in stride. The New York native is hoping to bring a little east coast flavor to the sleepy PNW, starting by getting people of all ages out of their homes and turning up to shows, because he knows better than anyone what it can be like to be trapped indoors for reasons beyond your control. For example: when he first wrote the lyrics to forthcoming single Summer Love (In Hell), he was living through a hot and lovely Vancouver August while acutely depressed over the recent passing of his mother. One particular night when families and children were out playing and partying in the sun, Turner found that he could find in himself nothing but anger for those out enjoying the hot summer evening. Reminded of similar summers from when he was young and things weren’t going his way, Turner sat down that evening and penned Summer Love. Among The Interrogation’s finest work to date, the raunchy tune is a blast of soaring revelry, thick with tinges of metal and punk and Massachusetts hardcore; hopeful in its incendiary major-key riffs yet cauterized by the intensity of Turner’s transparency.

Artists’ Cassettes

#0000 - 1645 Gerber Rock

Song: “Summer Love (In Hell)”

Digital Cassettes 1024 621
Average Rating 4 / 5

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Little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more patience, yeah