Killer Hearts

Where to Find Us

Stay in the Loop

Artist Bio

Killer Hearts is a Texas band, who if they moved in next door, would give you two choices. Join the party, bring the booze. Or leave town.

Those Texas leather and denim clad rockers are back with their debut LP "Skintight Electric".

Available on limited edition red vinyl (also on black vinyl). First 50 orders come with a Killer Hearts sticker set of all 4 members. Stick them on your locker, or on your car. Put them in a urinal and pee on them! Get the album here.

How rock n roll are Killer Hearts? Well, consider this. According to their bio they opened for Biters. I am willing to bet that Biters – who are the most genuinely dangerous rock n roll band I’ve seen live in a long time – would have been scared that night.

Equal parts Ramones, Chuck Berry, Motorhead and Hanoi Rocks (I mean, come on, what else is that Sax work) and it’ll have you leaping about like a crazy person.


Artists’ Cassettes

#0000 - 3672 Sweet Melon

Song: “Dynamite Tramp”

Digital Cassettes 3494 178
Average Rating 4 / 5

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Little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more patience, yeah