Nowhere Fast

Where to Find Us

Stay in the Loop

Artist Bio

Nowhere Fast was formed in late 2019 by Travis Nichols and Alex Walker. Shortly after, Chris Powell joined and completed the trio; Marty Wormley was added in 2022.

NWF brings the nostalgic pop punk sound with a modern twist. Their first release "Britney Was Right" starts with Alex's powerful voice and brings an aggressive melodic pop punk track. 

The follow up, "To Death," lead by Chris Powell, brings out a classic early 2000's feel. With influences ranging from blink-182, New Found Glory, The Used, Bad Religion, Ramones, Mayday Parade and so many more, Nowhere Fast has brought all the elements to create the debut album "Nowhere Fast". Mid 2022, the trio brought in a 4th member Marty Wormley on guitar/vocals. Rounding out the sound, Marty brings a flavor that they've been looking for to complete the sound. 

All of the members bring experience from many bands since high school. Travis comes from the pop punk band, French Letters, and former metal band Simon Says Die. With the honor of sharing the stage with many well-known bands touring through the Portland area including All That Remains, In Flames, Escape the Fate, Otep, and three tours of his own under his belt, his experience and comfort behind the kit shows. Marty packs experience from All I Ask, and pop punk band Frisk. 

Nowhere Fast delivers great energy to every concert, showcasing their melodic riffs, eclectic drumming, and catchy lyrics, while bringing that fun-loving and carefree flare that Pop Punk listeners around the world love. 

Artists’ Cassettes

#0000 - 9305 Po Po Poo Poo

Song: “Circles”

Digital Cassettes 6991 2314
Average Rating 4 / 5

#0000 - 7931 Seagulie

Song: “Lonely”

Digital Cassettes 6735 1191
Average Rating 4 / 5

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Little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more patience, yeah