Where to Find Us
Stay in the Loop
Artist Bio
The guys in AVONDCOCK met each other in Utrecht. The band was born out of a need to kick against the status quo. The band loves poking at the hornet's nest. Fuelled with passion and brutal resolve to make some noise. AVONDCOCK's goal is as clear as day: Be as critical of your allies as you are of your enemies. The lyrics are written with blunt honesty and passion.
Their debut EP "SENSA" is their very first call to arms. It's a stand against hypocrisy on all sides from personal grudges to global injustice. It's okay to point out flaws and be critical and with their no nonsense recording/writing style it's a good taste of what these guys stand for. "SENSA" is their statement to say you don't need to drop 3K in a weekend to record a single. You can record an EP in 5 hours and still have it kick ass.
Thimo "Moos" Harders - Vocals
Youri Prins - Guitar
Louie "Venlo" Lague - Guitar
Joey Reijenga - Bass
Mark Meijer - Drums/sexgod
Artists’ Cassettes